Friday, May 21

more inspirations.

looking at the work of bill mcconkey, his work is heavily drawn illustrations, perhaps the sort of work that would be edited through illustator or a combination of scanning and graphics worked in together.

another artist sarah howell, whose work is like lots of layers and different aspecrts of situations built up on top of one another, which creates some quite busy imagery. also photographs quite prominant, like a key starting point / focal feature.

jack daw, once again photographs are quite prominant in his work, sort of seem like the base idea and then he build on them graphically, lots of mark making and spirals going on infront and behind the figures featured in his work.

marina caruso, her work i would presume would have orginally derived from pictures of people which have then been edited to appear more like drawings / sketches, will lots of different textures and patterns going on in within them.

debutart was a site we were given on the brief and was just crammed full of lots of individual graphic desginers work. i found lots of other artists work i liked that werent on the brief..

alex trochut, whos work is like lots of illustrated words. really interesting and different to alot of the other stuff i had looked at. uses words to illustrate something. other pieces seem very sort of hand drawn, sketched, scanned worked on in illustator or some other graphic based programme. really nice vivid colours aswell.

chubbs, people in lots of different enviroments, people seem to lack a sense of identity, no real facial features or high detail in there clothing. sort of sense of narrative to them. also quite obscure to look at as they have no real face, lacking who they are, becomes more about there enviroment.

wesley merritt, serious of sketches, quite structure but not life like. there isnt alot of colour going on in them, more about whats there, and seems like he wants it to be obvious that he has drawn them himself?

yehrin tong, lots of patterns and textures all sort of built up on top of one another. incorparates sketches and people into some of the pieces aswell. just lots of layering one on top of the other.

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