Wednesday, May 12


today i have been doing a far bit of scanning to hopefully work towards my final piece. firstly i scanned in this piece of mount which i had been working on in previous lessons. it has several layers of paint and newspaper which give lots of pattern and texture.

i started to sand away areas of the paint to reveal sections of newpaper underneath, most notably the numbers, 1 and 3 (shown here close up). this is also my favourite section of the collage and proably the only area i will work with as i feel that there is just too much going on everywhere else in the image.

the next step i took was take a street photograph i had taken in rome from my flikr. intially i used the quick mast tool to select just the man, whom i then copied and pasted onto a white background.

i then printed it off and traced around it.

then i photocopied that and redrew over the faded lines on the photocopy. my next step will be to experiment with painting over the top of his body both in photoshop and by hand to see what gives the best results. want both to be done in a sort of block style.

over the next few days i will also be shooting some film of skylines with the plan to use as my basic background of my final image, scans should be up some time next week.

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